We are giants here! Seriously, this is an average size man here in San Lucas Toliman. They may be small in physical stature, but they have gigantic hearts. We have yet to find anyone who wasn´t absolutely charming. And their patience is limitless when it comes to trying to comprehend our special dialect of Spanish. Actually, Tim is amazingly communicative, but I definitely skipped Rosetta Stone class.
Come on now!! My Spanish cant be that bad Mi little Amigo.....can it?
Coffee is the major source of revenue for this community. Last year the Mission sponsored coffee plant purchased coffee from 60 families. This year, they are purchasing coffee from over 600 local families. The intent is to provide work for as many people as possible. Volunteers from the USA over the years took this indigent community, who knew nothing about growing coffee, or about reforestation to preserve their valuable resources, and now they are fully self-supportive and implementing many Eco-friendly techniques. We did a little exploring and found the true source of Starbucks brew....
A very common sight is women walking while balancing their loads on their heads. large loads, and always with no hands. They make it look so easy, so surely we should be able to do it too........um, yeah, riiight.
Another very common sight is men (and women too) carrying very heavy loads like this one, with their heads! They actually have a band tied to the load, and then strapped across their foreheads. Amazing how with the proper balance, they can move with what seems little effort.....but no, we didn´t try this.
All in all, a very good day. This promises to be a wonderful experience, with some amazing people.
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